Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Two Years Ago Today...

...the Barbara Boxer Rose Campaign resulted in nearly 5000 roses arriving in Barbara Boxer's Senate office!

The campaign was intended by its originator Stacy Davies as a quiet, personal expression of thanks. Well, that was Stacy's vision, and then I got hold of it and gave it a name...and diaried it on dKos...and then it became the large, bright personal expression of every netroots soon-to-be-known as transparent election advocate, nation-wide. And even Senator Boxer liked it.

See? What personal commitment, passion and focus can accomplish when applied from even the least of us (like me) alone, and then with others, together?

Therefore, I'd like to take this day to rethank Barbara Boxer for having the spine to stand up for us--the election integrity community--when nobody else would, after the worst and most contested election outcome in Democratic memory. She was our first champion, and with our commitment and effort, she is not the last!!

And I want to thank you, from every committed activist to every impassioned once-a-year contributor. Every day you walk the talk you seed our only salvation; the truth.