Saturday, February 03, 2007

Democrat(ic) or DIE!!!

I hear it all the time, creeping into the sentences of strong Democratic fighters all the time: "The Democrat party..." "The Democrat plan...", "...when the Democrat party...".

What's missing? Sadly, it's the "IC" factor. The two letters on the end of a noun that convert it to an adjective! And that wouldn't be all that bad were it just more abuse to the already marketing-bloodied language developed through the 90's (don't get me started).

What IS worse is that every time a Democrat uses the descriptor of the party as a noun in place of an adjective, NEWT GINGRICH WINS!!! FRANK LUNTZ WINS!!! The Republican strategists who are working to dismantle the DemocratIC party, until 'it' -- the proxy for Big Government -- is small enough to drown in a bathtub!

Read this post by Jeffrey Feldman:
"'The history of “Democrat Party” [slur] is hard to pin down with any precision,' wrote Hendrik Hertzberg in a great piece called 'The 'Ic' Factor' that appeared last summer in New Yorker (8 Aug 2007). It may be hard to pin down, but Hertzberg does a fantastic job.

While the insult seems to go all the way back to the Harding administration, Hertzberg points to Senator Joseph McCarthy as the man who gave this particular insult legs. Bob Dole picked it up again briefly in the 1970s. But the real source of late is right-wing talk radio and TV media--not surprising since they are the, essentially, the voice of McCarthyism brought back from dead.

And who was responsible for making sure that this 'needle' became standard practice? Why, none other than Frank Luntz--the con artist for hire who created all the double-speak lies for the Republican Party from Newt Gingrich on forward. "