Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Today, Good Morning America Let Bush Kiss America Good Night

Good Morning America provided detention bill supporters' arguments, ignored opposition: "Today, Good Morning America provided detention bill supporters' arguments, ignored opposition:
Summary: In their coverage of President Bush's signing later that morning of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, NBC News' Kelly O'Donnell reported that 'there has been plenty of controversy' surrounding the bill but did not elaborate on what that controversy might be, while ABC News' Kate Snow did not mention that there is opposition to the bill, much less any of the reasons for that opposition.
In their coverage of President Bush's signing later that morning of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, both NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America adopted or reported the arguments of the legislation's supporters, but provided no substantive coverage of the bill's opponents or their specific reasons for opposing the bill. Wholly absent from their coverage was any mention of the bill's most controversial provision, which, as Media Matters for America has noted, effectively grants the president the authority to detain any non-citizen in the United States or outside its borders, for any reason, and for as long as the campaign against terrorism continues. Also, as Media Matters has noted, several Senate Democrats stressed this provision in their denunciations of the bill. Moreover, as Media Matters has further noted, Bush has asserted the same authority with respect to U.S. citizens, a claim that the bill leaves unaddressed."
As Media Matters has noted, many Democrats strongly objected to this part of the legislation, with 48 senators -- including three Republicans -- voting to remove the habeas-stripping section of the bill.

In addition, Snow described the bill in a way that ignores the bill's broad scope, saying that the legislation "sets the rules for interrogating and trying top terror suspects." But the law does not limit the use of those interrogation procedures to "top terror suspects" but purports to allow their use on anyone -- citizen or non-citizen -- who the government claims is a "terrorism suspect." If, during their "tough" interrogation, a "suspect" happens to confirm what the government suspected about them, then the government can bring them before its review board. If not, the statute does not contain a deadline for the government to bring terrorism suspects before a review board, and, at least for non-citizens, purports to eliminate their right to challenge their detention through a writ of habeas corpus.
Since no one bothered to stop Bush from making himself a Hitler (which I now may, without hesitation, claim him to be) we will have to do the job ourselves, and rightly so. This is how we start:
  • Presume your ballot for the election of people to replace those in Congress who had neither the grit nor the patriotism to stop this megalomaniac sooner, will be in jeopardy. Why? No Party allows a man to go this far without having plans in place to allow him, to use this power.Your votes are going to be tampered with. Your access to voting in key positions throughout the country will be barred. Every attempt by Bush supporting partisans in control of key voting areas will be areas of potential tampering.
  • PROTECT YOUR OWN VOTE, by protecting your ballot. Starting with your own registration. If every citizen who wants to vote understands how the voting process works in his or her precinct, county and state--and can mentally walk through that process from registration to the final vote count and tally--he or she has begun the process of their own ballot protection. Then go one step further.
  • On election day, know how to interpret the behaviors you see--how poll workers are doing their jobs--and know what it means if you see bags or boxes of ballots changing hands--any and all activities around YOUR BALLOT--and if something looks 'wrong' know who to call and what to do. And do that immediately.
Your first step for restoring America, for restoring your right to confront and have an accuser who detains you present evidence of the crime you have committed (habeas corpus protections) and therefore your free speech right to learn about, talk about and criticize the government of this country without fear of unlawful imprisonment, is electing a partisan, obstructive Democratic Congress. Yes, a cantankerous body that will immediately put the brakes on the rubber-stamp traitors (those who put Republican dominion above their sworn obligation to protect and defend the Constitution) out of business.

Oh, and I say that now, since Republicans have taught Democrats just how uncivilized and partisan a party can be in the name of ideologues, so-called Christians and fascists--we use that same uncivilized lock-step power to push through the work of The People--now that's a vision.