Saturday, October 14, 2006

American Cold-War-Mongering Continues

Very interesing--read the whole piece.

Wingers, this is for people who value creating a peaceful world in which America is an equal partner, not a dominating behoumouth. You might want to skip this:
Walter C. Others First: Warmongering and the "Pseudo-environment" of Warped American Exceptionalism: "For example, just two days ago, New York Times columnist, Thomas Friedman suggested that the apparent nuclear test by North Korea might mark the end of the post-cold war international order. 'The Berlin Wall fell on 11/9 - Nov. 9, 1989, which ushered in the post-cold-war world. The apparent North Korean nuclear test went up on Oct. 9, 2006, which may have ushered out the post-cold-war world and ushered in a more problematic era - the post-post-cold-war world.' Thus, 'one day historians may argue that the post-cold-war started on 11/9 and ended on 10/9.' [NYT, Oct. 11, 2006]

Might mark the end of the post-cold-war era? Yes, according to Friedman, 'unless China and Russia get their act together.' Wow! First of all, Friedman ignores the gigantic historical elephant in the room - the fact that the United States first developed the atomic bomb, was the only country ever to drop it on another country, the only country to threaten its use on other nations dozens of times, while remaining to this day the state-of-the-art innovator of new uses (bunker busters) in order to continue to threaten or use such dreadful weapons.

But, rather than cite '10/9' as the end of an era, and then blame China and Russia for not persuading North Korea and Iran to end their nuclear programs, why not cite '3/19' for exacerbating the proliferation problems facing the world today? 3/19 is, of course, March 19, 2003, the fateful day the United States launched its illegal, immoral preventive war against Iraq."
Hat tip: Buzzflash.