Friday, September 29, 2006

"Mommy, What's Waterboarding?"

Now THIS is a good one:
"Remember the great harm done to the moral core of our nation when, according to the excited news reports following Kenneth Starr's great work in life, children were asking their parents what oral sex was? Neither do I. But children can now ask their parents what torture is, how waterboarding works, and when exactly torture is a good thing. 'Mommy, we're going to play enemy combatant. Can I have some pliers to pull out Geoffrey's fingernails?'

Can I just say, to the Representatives and Senators who just voted to overturn (or allow George Bush to 'interpret') the Geneva Conventions and half the Bill of Rights – and I say this as mildly as I know how – WAKE THE HELL UPYOU COMPLICIT FASCIST MORONS; BUSH HAS CAMPS PLANNED FOR SOME OF YOU, AND DANTE HAS A CIRCLE RESERVED FOR THE REST. Oh, and one more thing: oral sex feels GOOD. Torture HURTS LIKE HELL. Got it? The world needs more sex, less sadism. What exactly are you unclear on?"
Anybody notice how home-schooling and lax gun control has NOT stemmed the tide of crazy people figuring out that schools are repositories of weak humans from which to grab some easy victim/hostages? Well, wait until the New American Export of Standard Behavior for those who will not comply--TORTURE--infects our national bloodstream.

(Insert epithets here)!!!!