Thursday, September 28, 2006

Americans Authorize Torture and a Monarchy--Humanitarian Democratic Experiment Slaughtered By Cowards

Really. I never was a part of the "Blame America First" crowd (although I've always been a member of the "America Take Responsibility for it's Own Action's Outcomes" crowd).

If this abomination of a bill passes, America will become a hated international disgrace and the terrorists who--according to the administration "hate us for our freedom" will, having driven a morally bankrupt and solution desperate government to finish the job a cadre of hijackers began on 9/11, have won--and at the expense of 300 billion to you and I (and of course that is just the financial loss).

Oh, and the red lettered items are the Bush-Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free cards. Call your representatives and see what you have to do to get a Free card for the speeding ticket you got last time--clearly now law can be written to exclude the "right" people from being held acountable for the ones they break (tell them you thought you were chasing Osama)--if Bush can receive a defacto pardon with a little rewritten law, then certainly so can you...

The huge red lettered item denotes provisions that start the slide into the American Dark Ages...
House passes terrorism detainee bill backed by Bush:

-- Requires that a defendant being tried by military commission have access to any evidence given to a jury.

-- Drops a section of the administration's previous proposal that stated an existing ban on cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment satisfies the nation's obligations under the Geneva Conventions.

-- Prohibits 'grave breaches' of the Geneva Conventions. Defines grave breaches as acts such as torture, rape, biological experiments and cruel and inhuman treatment.

-- Notes the president has the authority to interpret 'the meaning and application' of the Geneva Conventions.

-- Allows hearsay evidence.

-- Allows coerced testimony if the statement was acquired before a 2005 ban on cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and a judge finds it to be reliable. Bans coerced statements taken after the 2005 ban went into effect if it violates constitutional definitions of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

-- Bars individuals from protesting violations of Geneva Conventions standards in court.