Saturday, September 02, 2006

Democracy Denied: Meet The New Boss

Why do we fight terrorists "over there"-- those who supposedly hate our freedom and would destroy our way of life when here our way of life--taxation with representation, is being overtly overthrown?

This Republican leadership expends billions of money borrowed from dicators in China and Saudi Arabia every month to supposedly protect democratic elections in Iraq, while dismantling elections in the United States, the only country to which they swore an oath to protect and defend!

Those who work relentlessly against internal attacks on the democratic process fight a spector ofAmerica no less terrifying to behold than that of one in foreign "terrorists" hands. So why are those Americans "blamed first"?
Democracy Denied: Meet The New Boss: "Speaker Dennis Hastert swore in Republican Brian Bilbray even though there were requests for a recount and numerous public protests about the legitimacy of the outcome. According to the San Diego Registrar of Voters, as of June 15th, there were in fact still 2,500 votes to be counted. Evidence reportedly captured from the Registrar’s internet site indicates that on June 13, induction day, there were 12,500 votes uncounted. The San Diego Registrar did not officially certify this election until June 30th. Even when the election was certified, nearly 50% of the votes had not been assigned to the appropriate precincts."
The special election generated immediate controversy when it was discovered that election officials had taken home voting machines for overnight stays. The supposed rationale or pretense for these maneuverings was to expedite the convenient delivery of the machines to precincts on election day.
Yesterday, attorney Lehto took an optimistic stance when he commented on the role of the public in taking back control of their elections.
"The shutdown of any possibility of a court based investigation of the CA50 race could not be in more stark contrast to the 92% support for election transparency in the Zogby poll. The contrast between the two sides now could not be clearer. The question of the moment is whether and to what extent the 92% can discover its own supermajority status, or to what extent they continue to be deceived, deluded and distracted by illusions of their own powerlessness."
Did the plaintiff with a legal right to the courts have a legitimate concern? You tell me...
SEE PHOTOS - a couple of 54-year old women from Black Box Voting bought $12 worth of tools and in four minutes penetrated the memory card seals, removed, replaced the memory card, and sealed it all up again without leaving a trace. This experiment shows that the seals do nothing whatever to protect against access by insiders after testing, and the seals also are worthless in jurisdictions like Washington, Florida, California, and many other locations where voting machines are sent home with poll workers for days before the election.