Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Novak Pushed Falsehoods--No--Not Bob?!

All things being equal (i.e. Iraq continues to tank and Republicans--in a screamingly funny rush to the bottom base-- continue to "out" their racist and Christocrat "values") we will be rid of Republican dominance in the Congress and even Senate (Novak admitted that himself) come this fall.

Does Bob also know that when that happens there will be a mad rush by populists (such as yours truly) to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, pretty much putting him back on square one of the journalistic tower of babble (pun intended)?

Imagine this: News filled with facts. Wow. Now that's a political promise, not a dream, in the making...
Novak pushed falsehoods about judge's NSA's warrantless eavesdropping decision: "In his column, Robert Novak falsely suggested that U.S. District Court Judge Anna Diggs Taylor's decision striking down the administration's warrantless domestic surveillance program was so off-the-wall that it 'has been stayed and probably will be reversed,' that 'Taylor ended up with the case because of forum-shopping,' and that professor Jack Balkin had criticized the decision's legal reasoning but nevertheless 'rejoiced' over it for 'political' reasons."