William Ayers and the Weather Underground
As Barack Obama distances himself from association with William Ayers, one-time member of the Weather Underground, I feel deeply frustrated. He is distancing himself from the spirit behind some of today's most committed and caring anti-war pro-justice advocates. Does he know that?
Do they?
While today's ratings-driving media spirals into ever-lowering standards of tabloid journalism, demonstrated just this Wednesday with the ABC so-called "debate" between Democratic primary contenders Obama and Clinton, American voters are exposed to more of the very culture the Weather Underground hoped to eradicate; callous disregard for issues of civil rights and a draining and irrational war against Evil somehow lurking in small yellow, brown and poor people*.
Fortunately, I am old enough to remember the era of 60's and 70's "revolutionary fever" and it's motivations. Although too young to participate, I was then and now a true sympathizer with the social justice concerns that lead to the creation of the Weather Underground. The story behind their desperate and misguided attempt to stop the government they found guilty of craven foreign policy and the vicious and eventually unpopular war on Vietnam, has an echo today in the Occupation of Iraq.
In the Youtube video attached here I invite you, who did not know that rebellious period of the 60's and 70's, to see for yourselves what conservative fascists are investing their considerable wealth into trying to eliminate -- passionate liberalism, patriotic free-thought, and enlightenment democracy. Smearing Obama with "terrorism" is just their latest attempt.
In meeting Bill Ayers, Obama has nothing for which he should apologize and nothing from which to distance himself. Ayers and his wife in 1995 were no more "terrorists" in the post-9/11 sense of the word they attempt to apply than are you.
Please someone, remind Obama.
* I suggest that enlightened Democrats nation-wide punish ABC's abuse of their good faith by boycotting ABC sponsors until they send the station the message that American viewers, not their commercial ad buys, keep their industry running.
Labels: Barack Obama, Weather Underground, William Ayers
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