Thursday, March 27, 2008

VIDEO: Obama Reverend's So-Called "Hate Speech" and the Propaganda Campaign Behind It!

Since ABC television's release of selected "hate" language from Obama's long-time Pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the permutations of it into a hypnotic loop has been fast and targeted and is an excellent example of how ABC, Fox and talkers from Limbaugh to Savage are working in concert to trigger the "angry black man" frame in the minds of Americans.

Even if one does not hear the loops, angry coast-to-coast rebroadcasts bits of it create another endless loop of questions, arguments, concern and accusations-- all likely to result in one thing-- people will just get sick of hearing about it.

Eventually, just the sound of Barack Obama's voice regardless of what he is saying will trigger an uncomfortable sense in any listener and I believe it is creating a dislike for Obama --uneasy memories of the voices on those clips or just a subtle unidentifiable discomfort-- that is the real aim of the strategy behind this campaign. Why? Well, people vote from their feelings don't they? Many deciding at the last minute in the voting booth?

Wouldn't it be useful for Republican strategists if an ingrained 90's era Clinton "bad feeling" button paired with this current attack on Obama helped the undecided vote at the last minute for McCain, who they may not like intellectually but about whom, they at least don't "feel" uneasy? (for more on how techniques to create this effect are manufactured and work in elections see Thom Hartmann's book Cracking the Code, Chapter 5, "How Feelings Are Anchored").

Examine the following; the audio loop being played in part or whole on Hannity's daily radio show:

Now, listen to the "chickens coming home to roost" comment from a section 9 minutes long and apparently from a sermon September 17th 2001-- 6 days after 9/11.

This next clip contains the snippet "God damn America" (near the end) from a sermon on the changing nature of governments that contemptuously act as God and what they can expect.

In context, those bits and pieces of angry rhetoric blend into REASONED AND WHOLE OPINIONS, with logical connections to how faith and God interplay with society. And regardless of how YOU feel about the content of the sermons, you do NOT hear Barack Obama's voice, have any reason to picture him or have any reason to feel you don't like him. But going back to loop one, embedded in your mind?

Oh yes you do, oh yes you do.

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