Action Point with Cynthia Black 10-28-2007: The Reference Shelf
Today's article and item links:
Beyond MOVEON: First: Didn't Invent BetrayUs- The Troops Did! Then, Moveon created: Americans for Exit. THEN, Limbaugh got busted with his "Soldiers who don't go to Iraq to die are 'phony' faux paux. Also, Michelle Malkin took a shot at with "Sue me"! LAST WEEK, we're back to "[W]e're going to find out where your kids go to school" Limbaugh! AND TODAY? Rush sells his Congressional letter of condemnation to a millionaire using 501-c3 trust funds claiming it's a " free-speech" document!! Cronyism all-'round Rush-- you show 'em all how!!!
From the Mukasey File: FIRST, Crony for the next Republican President? The religious right hates him but Giuliani loves him. AND NOW he's running into trouble: Senators clash with nominee about torture.
- MUST READ: Endorsing Irresponsible Journalism: another excellent piece from David Sirota:
"Barely anyone reports when paid Washington lobbyists pose as statesmen to stealthily shill for their corporate clients, because that's just what happens day-to-day in D.C. Similarly, we see the Dean of Serious Washington Journalists mentioning the irresponsible choices of his fellowreporters, but mentioning it in a way that actually praises onecandidate as "exquisite" for exploiting that irresponsibility -rather than railing on the irresponsibility within his own industry."
- Framing the Debate --The "Islamofascism" PR Assault on America: "Islamofashion" from Jeffrey Feldman
- From the "I Think I'm Gonna Scream Now" File:Secretary of "Ferragamo" Rice Unfazed By Bloody Hands: Can't you just hear Condi's internal thoughts now? "Oh please, I've shed more blood over a girl-on-girl breakfast. Get a gag and then we'll talk". Here's the YouTube of Medea Benjamin arrest speech.
- Update to The Andrew Meyers File: Disturbing video remix "Baby Don't Taze Me"; OCALA.COM ain't nothing. Now use of tazer found "justified!
Labels: Andrew Myer, politics, protest. Code Pink, Rush Limbaugh
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