Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hedge Fund Giant Paul Singer Tries to Buy California for Rudy

In last week's Action Point Reference Shelf link Mukasey: Chrony for the next Republican President? The religious right hates him but Giuliani loves him, I asked: Is the RNC positioning already? Or is there an inside voting-related job needed to get Rudy elected?

This week we find Vulture fund manager Paul Singer ain't taking any chances on DOJ election manipulation working out: CALIFORNIA MONEYMAN UNMASKED:
Rudy Giuliani’s top fundraiser, hedge fund giant Paul Singer, revealed himself today as the sole financial backer of a stalled ballot drive to turn California into a motherlode of Republican votes in 2008.

The ballot initiative, if approved, would have changed how California apportions its electoral college votes. Under the states’ current winner-take-all system, the Democratic nominee has traditionally pocketed all 55 electoral votes in the left-leaning state — the nation’s largest electoral prize.

Instead, electoral votes would be apportioned to the winner in each congressional district — a change likely to shift up to 22 of those 55 votes into the GOP column, given the number of safely Republican districts in the state.

For the GOP, it would be a bonanza, akin to adding a large, new Republican state to the map.

The Gay Old Party contributed 30 years of sweat and treasure to strategize the SCOTU installation of the single-purpose, one-use corporation known as Bush/Cheney, to destroy democracy as we know it and they will do whatever it takes to finish the job. What is that job? Why of course, drowning representative government (competitors for power--you and me) in a BATHTUB!!!

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