Action Point with Cynthia Black 7-29-2007: The Reference Shelf
Today's article and item links:
SICKO as Protest: Healthcare-NOW: Inspired? Organize in your community.
Commentary: The 5% Solution: Article on Voice of Arizona by yours truly about rethinking the Bush 5%'s license to steal!
Election Protection: Scientists Hack Voting Machines Nation-wide: Breaking news.
Local Stuff I Support: Arizona Community Media Foundation: You can never have enough competition; support community radio in Phoenix.
National Stuff I Support: Picture New York: The city considers rule changes that would require a permit to photograph and film in public places and filmmakers and photographers protest.
5% Report: News Corp. Out To Crush Assets it Can't Own: If you can't own 'em, beat 'em-- 5%'er Murdoch takes aim.