Monday, November 20, 2006

Barney Frank Has a Deal for You (And It Ain't "New")

When I read this (Barney Frank - The Boston Globe) my blood ran hot AND cold--all at the same time!!

First COLD (as in "who is this freak in my party and how the Hell do I get rid of his kind of thinking?"):
"Frank casts his proposal as a way for capitalists to quell some of the populist fervor that was expressed in last week's election, when many Democrats vowed to crack down on companies moving jobs overseas.
Then HOT (as in "capitalism, by definition, means no such thing!"):
'I'm a capitalist, and that means I'm for inequality,' Frank told Boston business leaders on the morning after Election Day, in a speech about his grand bargain. 'But you reach a point where you get more inequality than is healthy, and I believe we're at that point.
So this statement:
'What we want to do is to look at public policies that'll get some bigger share of the increased wealth into wages, and in return you'll see Democrats as internationalists. . .. I really urge the business community to join us.'"
...needs to be checked, its thinker needs to be examined--is this one of those "K Street" types?--and some action taken right quick to put a strong reverse action on any deals from this kind of thinker before they ship away the farm!