Saturday, November 18, 2006

"CLINTON RULES": If It's A Democrat It Must Be Stupid Day...

I thought the sense that Dems were getting seriously piled-up on was just the impression I always get from listening too much to "Rushbo" (whom I have been doggedly monitoring since the election day wingers now term "Black Tuesday"--which BTW, brings a smile to my face every time I hear it). I guess in fact Big Media owners have kick-started their interior 2008 Republican campaigns with an already transparent poison-the-well strategy?!

Man are these catty little MSNBC snots enjoying their full-on Demo bitch fest. They are partying like it's 1999. Norah O'Donnell, Lawrence O'Donnell, Mary Ann Akers and some other person I don't know have just spent half an hour discussing the fact that Nancy Pelosi ruined her own honeymoon and now it is really quesionable whether she can lead. Meanwhile, the dirty netroots and Howard Dean must have done something wrong because James Carville is hanging out all the Democratic dirty laundry (while his wife cackles with glee, no doubt) and he wouldn't do that unless there was something to it.
It's worth noting that the last time the House turned over, in 1994, Tom Delay beat Newt Gingrich's handpicked choice for majority leader and somehow the whole town didn't interpret that as Newtie's waterloo. As a matter of fact, the press was giving him such wet slurpy blowjobs they could hardly come up for air.
Man, are they desperate--how Kewl is that?!

HT-Mark Crispin Miller