Saturday, June 24, 2006

OPEN THREAD--AP SHOW 06-24-06: Al Gore, Eli Praiser and Billy Connelly--Climate Crises Cure

Join me for this ONE-TIME ONLY rebroadcast* of Eli Praiser's June 11 2006, online interview with Al Gore. Following the interview we'll be talking live with Billy Connelly from NativeEnergy, the company Al Gore chose to undertake the "carbon offset" cost of making An Inconvenient Truth. Billy will answer your questions about carbon offsetting, how it works and how, for about the daily cost of a MacDonald's Big Mac, you can negate your "carbon footprint" and be part of the global warming solution right now!

Date: Saturday, 06-24-2006
Show time: 6-7PM MST
Local: 602-258-8800
Toll Free: 800-989-1480
(Attention MAC users: stream on Microsoft Media Player or another MAC alternative)

*Interview edited for time